News from Water Stratford




More information regarding Water Stratford HERE

We were all saddened to hear of the death of Pam Mears, a much-loved member of our community who was church organist for many years. Her funeral was in May at St Giles.

Thanks to Rachel and around ten other villagers for an internal and external clean-up of the Old School. There are plans for new gravel to be spread in its car park and also for a village barbecue event.

At the annual parochial church meeting Mike was re-elected churchwarden despite now having passed his eightieth birthday. New blood is needed by him and the church! The four members of the PCC also agreed to continue. This extract from Betjeman's poem Septuagesima seems apposite:

Let’s praise the man who goes to light
The church stove on an icy night.
Let’s praise that hard-worked he or she
The Treasurer of the P.C.C.
Let’s praise the cleaner of the aisles,
The nave and candlesticks and tiles.


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